Josh Tulkin, Terrorist?



(Josh Tulkin with Scott Paul outside a yurt near Tash Rabat, Kyrgyzstan. Photo Credit: Zoe Chafe) Josh Tulkin is a very close friend. He has dedicated his life to speaking for future generations and vulnerable populations threatened by climate change. He works tirelessly to make U.S.

When the Wheels Came Off



John McCain’s sudden 360 180 (sorry, rushed) on the Law of the Sea Convention has come up before here. Despite ten years of energetic support for U.S. accession to the Convention, things changed last October without any explanation. McCain attempted to justify this on principle, though it fell transparently flat.

Palin Invitation to Anti-Iran Rally Withdrawn



Make no mistake, this is the result of a grassroots campaign, though Hillary Clinton’s decision to withdraw herself in outrage surely played a major role. This action alert found its way to me through a few different channels. It got big.

Parity Run Amok: What Exactly is CNN Revealing About Joe Biden?



CNN aired a one-hour special called Sarah Palin Revealed last night. I don’t love the use of the word “revealed.” It’s clearly sensational. But given how much shocking information about the GOP vice presidential nominee has come out this week, and how many new questions have been raised, it’s really not worth complaining about.

Senate Defeatism Spreads to Ghana Climate Change Negotiations



I recently received a report from a delegate to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change’s latest talks in Accra, Ghana. The most high-profile of the conference topics was the evolution toward an agreement in Copenhagen next year that will set emissions targets for what is known as the “second commitment period.