Parity Run Amok: What Exactly is CNN Revealing About Joe Biden?


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CNN aired a one-hour special called Sarah Palin Revealed last night. I don’t love the use of the word “revealed.” It’s clearly sensational. But given how much shocking information about the GOP vice presidential nominee has come out this week, and how many new questions have been raised, it’s really not worth complaining about.
What is worth complaining about — or maybe laughing about — is that this program was immediately followed by an hour of Joe Biden Revealed. Really? I mean, I’m sure Americans have plenty to learn about the senator from Delaware. But revealed? The man’s been in the spotlight for well over 35 years and has been heavily scrutinized during two presidential runs. I don’t think CNN uncovered a single new facet or perspective of Joe Biden’s life.
I doubt the Obama-Biden campaign cares in the slightest, but it really does make CNN look silly.
— Scott Paul


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