Those Who Saw the Crash Coming. . .



I’ve been more than a bit irritated by Vice President Cheney’s recent comment that no one saw the financial crisis coming. In response, Zachary Karabell has a very interesting essay on Robert Shiller and his prescience not only about the financial crisis but the character and drivers of that meltdown.

Another Day to Vote. . .



Well, I’m not losing real badly — but not winning either. I might make a big push on Monday to pull in a couple of thousand votes — but if you want to help by sending your ten or twenty or hundred best friends to vote for The Washington Note, we’d be quite pleased.

Revealing Nuclear Pakistan



David Sanger has an important and revealing piece coming out Sunday on the security and survivability of Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal. In addition to depicting the vulnerability of Pakistan’s nuclear complex, the article illuminates some other pressing elements the incoming administration will need to apprehend.

Facebook Scam, Inauguration Wait, and Media Moments



Washington, DC is now in a pensive state — just waiting for the Inauguration festivities to finally, really arrive. I’ve just finished telling a number of folks that I’m just out of beds for those who hoped to crash (for free) at my place.

Cheney Reads “Angler”



This just in from a TWN regular reader who had a White House tour: Steve, you’ll love this. Just took a tour of the West Wing. One of the pictures outside the Situation Room (apparently they change them frequently) is of Cheney with “Angler” open on his desk.

Chuck Hagel Declines China, UK, and Japan



Former Senator Chuck Hagel (R-NE), whose strategic mindset and approach to US foreign policy rejects the “false choice” and “zero sum game approaches” that the Bush administration has often taken in the Middle East between Israel’s interests and Arab regional interests on one hand and between Russia and NATO on the other, has been offered…

The Afghanistan Good War/Bad War Problem



Visit for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy This is a short clip of myself discussing America’s mess in Afghanistan with Rachel Maddow. And here is a link to a new U.S.