MEDIA ALERT: Rachel Maddow Show Tonight



At 9:15 pm EST, I will be discussing Afghanistan, Richard Holbrooke’s soon to be made appointment as Special Envoy for Afghanistan and Pakistan, and the just released USIP report on Afghanistan and its indictment of US policy there with Rachel Maddow on MSNBC.

A Note From Syria on Iraqi Refugees



This post was written anonymously by a journalist in Syria. A few biographical facts have been changed to protect the people mentioned. DAMASCUS — Ahmed, an Iraqi in his early 30s, crossed the Iraqi-Syrian border in late November. With him were his wife and his two young sons.

Geneva to DC: Feel Free to Vote for TWN Again



I am at the Geneva Airport preparing for a day of flying home to Washington. Excuse me if I accidentally tzpe a “z” where a “y” should be. . .as I just did. Geneva was great. Free transportation on all public transport lines for visitors who come through the airport and all hotel guests.

A New Age of Liberalism?



I don’t think that Barack Obama’s election signifies the coming of a new liberal era any more than I think the United States was a center-right country during the majority of the Bush years. But it doesn’t matter what I think.

It’s Time to Vote. . .



Calling all readers and commenters — POA, Linda, WigWag, Tahoe, Paul Norheim, …, Dan Kervick, JohnH, JohnM, JohnS, John, Bil, BillS, TonyForesta, jonst, easy e, Spunkmeyer, erichwwk, all of you……and ALL others who happen by. . .