Castro’s Ruminations on “Rahm Emanuel” and Capitalism’s Contradictions



It’s always wise to read up on what one’s supposed global and ideological rivals are writing and thinking. Along this line, for example, I think that reading Karim Sadjadpour‘s fascinating expose on Iran Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei is essential reading.

MEDIA ALERT: NPR’s Talk of the Nation with Neal Conan



At 3:40 pm EST, I will be chatting live with Neal Conan and his callers on National Public Radio’s “Talk of the Nation” regarding the upcoming Israel elections and what impact they might have on the Obama administration’s choices in the Middle East.

Japan Passing in CEO Decision at New York’s Japan Society



This month, the Japan Society of New York, one of America’s leading platforms for Japan-related cultural, political, and economic programming announced that its next president would not be an American citizen — which has always been the case — but would rather be a Japanese citizen, and no ordinary Japanese citizen at that.

Give Us Netanyahu. Please.



Peter Berkowitz‘s essay in the latest issue of the Weekly Standard provides good insight into what I think is the strategic irresponsibility of those in Israel’s leadership who think that they can hold steady on a course that justifies failure on an a Palestine-Israel deal using Hamas and Iran as excuses.

2 Cows Economics



This is one of the more clever posts on economic theory I have seen in a while. Read the entire list of 21 economic models as told through “cows”. . . But here are some I particularly enjoyed: SOCIALISM You have 2 cows. You give one to your neighbour. COMMUNISM You have 2 cows.