Mustafa Barghouti on Israel Elections



Former Palestinian presidential candidate (and likely future candidate) Mustafa Barghouti stopped by my office today for a short discussion on his impressions of what is possible and what is not in the aftermath of yesterday’s national elections in Israel. As usual, Barghouti paints a compelling picture of limited options and stark realities.

Atlantic Council Scores with Hagel



The Atlantic Council is an organization whose energy and impact have largely followed the trajectory of the transatlantic relationship. For many years, when that relationship was driven by the clarity and purpose of the Cold War, the Atlantic Council was strong, active, and had significant impact.

Lautenberg: Don’t Hide Those Who Have Died in Combat



Tonight, I toasted Senator Frank Lautenberg when I learned that he had sent President Barack Obama a letter asking that the media no longer be blocked from greeting, reporting on, and photographing the returning flag-draped caskets of American service men and women killed in combat abroad.

Israel Moves to the Right — Will Have Fragile Government



My New America Foundation colleague Daniel Levy, who is in Tel Aviv and voted today, is quoted in the segment below and offers two take-aways from the results of Israel’s elections, the winner of which is still being sorted out and will be disputed no matter the outcome.

Obama Must Make Saudi Arabia a Major Priority



In June 2008, I asked Flynt Leverett — former top Middle East analyst and policy practitioner at the CIA, State Department and George W. Bush’s National Security Council — what he thought the next President of the United States should do “on day one” when it came to the nation’s foreign policy priorities.

Neal Conan’s “Talk of the Nation”: Netanyahu, Israel’s Elections, Hamas and the Obama Team



I spent about 20 minutes with Neal Conan on NPR’s “Talk of the Nation” today discussing Israel’s elections and why I’m ready for Netanyahu to lead Israel’s government — either because he’ll find his mature, Nixonian, do-a-deal, makeover side — or because he’ll be so flamboyantly destructive of Israel’s and America’s interests that he’ll finally…