Parity Run Amok: What Exactly is CNN Revealing About Joe Biden?



CNN aired a one-hour special called Sarah Palin Revealed last night. I don’t love the use of the word “revealed.” It’s clearly sensational. But given how much shocking information about the GOP vice presidential nominee has come out this week, and how many new questions have been raised, it’s really not worth complaining about.

What is Up with CNN’s Carol Costello? She Owes Us More on the “Daddy’s Roommate” Story or Owes Ed Koch an Apology



In this interview with former New York Mayor Ed Koch, CNN anchor Carol Costello goes after Koch and the New York Times on the story that then Wasilla Mayor Sarah Palin sought ways to possibly ban books at the local public library.

Why Not Count Refueling Stops?



Heck, I stopped in Bucharest, Romania for refueling in the middle of the night. I was traveling with former Treasury Secretary and Senator Lloyd Bentsen, for Secretary of State Alexander Haig, United Technologies Chairman & CEO George David and others.

TGIF: The Campaign Funnies, Fair and Balanced



Inspired by occasional TWN reader, George Stephanopoulos. . . First on the pro-McCain side: Moonbats dropping like flies from PDS epidemic It’s America’s newest disease – only diagnosed by some in the media a few days ago – but it is spreading among the nation’s Beautiful People at an alarming rate.