Voting Rights Debate? No Amendments, Motions, Points of Order, or Appeals


I am posting one of two documents that Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer distributed on January 18, 2022 to some Democratic Senate colleagues preceding the debate on the Voting Rights Act of 2021. I’ll be writing more about these two documents but this first will be featured in an oped of mine that will run in The Hill.

The text reads:

“Schumer: Mr. President, I make a point of order that for this Message from the House with respect to H.R. 5746, the only debate in order during consideration of the Message be on the question of adoption of the motion to concur in the amendment of the House; further, that no further amendments, motions, or points of order be in order, and that any appeals be determined without debate. 

“Chair: The point of order is not sustained as it is a compound motion that would require consent. 

“Schumer: I appeal the ruling of the Chair. 

“Chair: The question is: Shall the ruling of the Chair stand as the decision of the Senate? 

“Schumer: I ask for the yeas and the nays.” 

– Steve Clemons

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