Kucinich and Impeachment: Don Quijote Lives On



Some political leaders like Chuck Hagel have flirted with the idea, but only flirted. Others like John Conyers and Dennis Kucinich have been more serious. Dennis Kucinich has now filed articles of impeachment against Vice President Cheney, with a slight delay because of Cheney’s blood clot news, but nonetheless — Kucinich has taken action.

Khalilzad Arrives



Zalmay Khalilzad is now officially the U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations. The transition from John Bolton is complete – and the many people around the country who worked long and hard to oppose him should give themselves a pat on the back today.

A Trivia Curveball



I had no idea my blogging experience would be helpful last night when I dropped by trivia at DC’s Wonderland Bar & Grill, but it was.

Sidebar: Political Stuff to Just Know About



Carl Bernstein book on Hillary Rodham Clinton slated for massive release in June. Could influence the primary environment. Low key “Office of Special Counsel” launches highest profile investigation in its history. Promises to “leave no stone unturned” in investigation of U.S. attorney firings.

Bob Bennett Compares Embattled Wolfowitz to Duke Lacrosse Players



World Bank President Paul Wolfowitz has hired mega-lawyer and Bill Clinton’s legal counsel Bob Bennett to defend him against allegations of misconduct at the World Bank. Here is the zinger quote from the New York Times article by Steven Weisman on Bennett and Wolfowitz: “I am very worried about the rush to judgment,” Mr.

Obama’s Foreign Policy



Barack Obama probably felt the need to outline his broad views on foreign policy because, unlike Joe Biden, John McCain, and Bill Richardson, for example, he hasn’t had the benefit of decades of talk show appearances and floor statements with which to illustrate them. He did just that with a speech today.

RIP Boris Yeltsin



I made my first trip to Russia when Boris Yeltsin was president, when Russians were extremely anxious about economic insecurity and Russia’s declining influence in the world. Sadly, those feelings during Yeltsin’s up-and-down presidency tainted his image in Russia.