Some Other Views of the Democratic Presidential Debate



Here are three views of the first Democratic Presidential Debate held in South Carolina — one by someone who watched it carefully on television, one who was on the floor of the debate and a guest of one of the contenders, and one from someone who did not watch the debate live but watched the…

Watching the Debate?



I am. Click here to get to MSNBC’s site on the set-up and a live stream feed. So far, everyone looks a little stiff. No zingers yet. I do like that all the candidates are giving short responses to questions — even Joe Biden.

Guest Blog: Senator Obama’s Thirteen Words on Latin America



Sarah Stephens is executive director of the Center for Democracy in the Americas and sent this blog post in the form of an open letter to The Washington Note Dear Senator Obama: I just had the pleasure of reading your foreign policy address before the Chicago Council on Global Affairs.

Hello From the Pups



The pups feel as if they have been neglected on the blog a bit. They send particular greetings to Senator Chuck Hagel for his vote today.

I Wonder What Bill Clinton Thinks When He Reads This. . .



REMARKS BY THE FIRST LADY AND WIFE OF THE PRIME MINISTER OF JAPAN, MRS. ABE AFTER A VISIT TO GEORGE WASHINGTON’S MOUNT VERNON ESTATE Mount Vernon Mount Vernon, Virginia, 1:51 P.M. EDT MRS. BUSH: Well, I’m so happy to have the opportunity to welcome Mrs. Abe to Washington.

Bob Wright & Steve Clemons on <em></em>



Bob Wright is the new P.T. Barnum of some of the most interesting virtual political and policy web-discussions anywhere at He invited me to spend about an hour with him yesterday discussing Barack Obama’s speech, currents in our evolving foreign policy, and general takes on Iraq, Iran, the Middle East broadly, and China.

Kucinich and Impeachment: Don Quijote Lives On



Some political leaders like Chuck Hagel have flirted with the idea, but only flirted. Others like John Conyers and Dennis Kucinich have been more serious. Dennis Kucinich has now filed articles of impeachment against Vice President Cheney, with a slight delay because of Cheney’s blood clot news, but nonetheless — Kucinich has taken action.