100,000 Strong Against Evan Bayh?



Well, not quite. . .but Max Bernstein just launched this Facebook affinity aversion page by the same name. I was signatory #75, but the list is comprised of some of the most powerful progressive bloggers and activists in the United States.

Share Your Views on Evan Bayh: Pro and Con. . .



Word has reached me that at Barack Obama’s Hawaii retreat, Evan Bayh‘s chances to find himself the next Democratic VP candidate have moved to better than 50/50. The conflict between Georgia and Russia has been one of several factors that has helped boost his status.

Hearing About Obama’s VP Choice



Some insiders close to Barack Obama tell me that I will hear definitively who the VP choice is before the campaign sends out its “text message” to the nation about who the vacationing candidate decides on. Who knows if they’ll come through. I’d pretty much settle on hearing who Obama definitively does not select.