Scripting America’s Priorities: The Democratic Party Platform



The above forum features Susan Rice, who serves as Barack Obama’s senior foreign policy adviser and is a fellow at Brookings; Karen Kornbluh, who the is principal author of the Democratic Party platform and is on leave as Obama’s Senate office policy director; Steve Coll, President of the New America Foundation; and Maya MacGuineas, President…

Michael Ledeen Leaves AEI



Laura Rozen has the scooplet of the week. She discovered that Michael Ledeen and the American Enterprise Institute have ended their relationship. On the AEI site, Ledeen is listed as “Former Freedom Scholar.” But not to worry, Ledeed is a fully-fledged Freedom Scholar at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies.

The View From My New Window



Apart from this, I haven’t posted at all recently, in part because I’ve been moving back to New York and into a new apartment.

Dems Feeling Unintended Consequences of Foreign Oil Rhetoric



Here’s a challenge: find a poltician who currently campaigns on energy issues and doesn’t promise to end U.S. dependence on foreign oil. I doubt it’s possible. The rhetorical drumbeat for and promises to achieve “energy independence” have gotten louder and more frequent.

Evan Bayh: No Memory of Neocon Iraq Liberation Committee



I have not heard directly from Senator Evan Bayh‘s office about the issue of his having co-chaired with John McCain and Joseph Lieberman the Committee for the Liberation of Iraq. But I just ran across this admission by Senator Bayh that he has no recollection of the neoconservative operation to which his name was attached….

When it Comes to Colin Powell, What is Bill Kristol Up To?



General Colin Powell has shrugged off good efforts by the Obama campaign to nudge his support into the open — but while it can be understood that Obama’s agents would try to sign Powell up, what does Bill Kristol have in mind stating that he expects Powell to tilt towards Obama? Earlier today, Huffington Post‘s…

Media Alert: Rachel Maddow & XM Radio’s POTUS ’08



(Keith Olbermann talks to Rachel Maddow — which he does lots!) Tonight, I’ll be discussing Georgia, Russia and foreign policy lobbying with Rachel Maddow at Air America at about 6:30 pm EST. This is one of the articles Maddow will be referencing.