More Good Stuff for the “Biden Brief”



Joe Biden‘s selection as Vice President doubles the chances that Senator Chuck Hagel will be selected as Barack Obama’s Secretary of State, which this writer considers positively. Joe Biden was a key partner with many NGOs and this blog in stopping John Bolton’s confirmation as US Ambassador to the United Nations.

Little Tidbits from Denver



The Liberal Lion Returns — Senator Kennedy, who turbo-charged Sen. Obama’s bid for the Democratic nomination with his endorsement in January, has been out of the public spotlight with a malignant brain tumor, is reportedly scheduled to speak on the opening night of the Democratic convention.

TRAVEL SCHEDULE for <em>The Washington Note</em> and New America Foundation Team



August 24 – 29 (Sunday-Friday) Denver — Democratic National Convention Steve Clemons, Sameer Lalwani, Brian Till, Daniel Levy, Rebecca Abou-Chedid, Steve Coll (only August 26-27) August 29 – September 1 (Friday – Monday) Boston — American Political Science Association Annual Meeting Steve Clemons September 1 – September 4 (Monday – Thursday) Minneapolis/St.

Obama’s Biden Speech



Part of the social contract with both the Obama and McCain media teams is that we respect the embargo times on speeches and material they send our way. But damn, this is hurting me today.

All Those Houses. . .



I’ve not been all that excited about the McCain “I don’t know how many houses I’ve got” gaffe. I know others who aren’t tuned into such details and they’d make fine national leaders.

Egg on Face: Obama – Kaine (See Update)



A regular TWN reader, POA, just shared this gem of an egg-on-face moment at the Los Angeles Times. The LA Times apparently was not reading The Washington Note. Too bad for them. — Steve Clemons Update: OK…this is my egg on face moment.

Why Joe Biden is Vital and the Right Choice



Associated Press Washington Bureau Chief Ron Fournier has a tough critique out on Barack Obama’s choice of Joe Biden as his running mate. A lot of folks are upset with Fournier. Some went as far to suggest that “” is available for purchase.