Let the Puns Begin



Just when you thought we had eclipsed Scalito and Billary, you get your choice of Joebama or Obiden. Whichever it is, the two seem like good complements in more than name.

You Heard it Here



Joe Biden is the Vice Presidential running mate of Barack Obama. Huge congratulations Joe — this is one of the great moves of the Obama campaign, one that could have gone wrong — and they got it very right.

Obama/Bayh Bumper Stickers?



I am standing by my hunch that it’s Biden, but need to note this odd news that some company in Kansas City has printed some Obama/Bayh bumper stickers. Let’s hope that this is a mistake, or misprint. . .

Joe Biden Gets Call (Maybe. . .) and Yells: “WHERE IS BLINKEN?”



From my point of view, Senator Joe Biden is an inspiring, experienced, over-the-top smart, fast-running boss who is a handful. He wrestles with ideas. He wrestles with his team. They knock him back. He knocks them back. He gives great zinger speeches and occasionally zinger gaffes. And they all laugh it off and move forward….

Wait Til America Gets to Know JILL BIDEN



I had the opportunity a few years ago to enjoy a rolling set of events with Senator Joe Biden, Wes Clark and other national notables. My partner was with me and normally hates these kinds of things. But he bonded with Jill Biden.

Obama’s Sleeper Cell: Chet Edwards?



The one concern that many in the VP prediction games have had is that there was a “sleeper candidate.” One of Joe Biden’s close allies who kept telling me that they have heard nothing from the Obama camp and that there had been full “radio silence” pondered whether there was a sleeper candidate.