The Wes Clark File: Some Movement and a Modest Win?



There has been movement between the Obama campaign and General Wesley Clark’s team on the issue of his playing some kind of role at the Democratic National Convention. The Obama campaign did reach out to Clark in the last several days to try and find some accommodation.

Bayh Again?


I have to admit, news of this trip concerns me. I still think Joe Biden got the swing after Bayh was passed over last Friday — but if this news is true that Obama may be going to Indiana on Saturday, then something may be up.

Rumors About Denver



I’m up in Dearborn, Michigan tonight — about to go on a show with James Zogby at the Arab American National Museum — and got the news that my shared hotel room in Denver is now not available.

Off to Dearborn



Today, I will be flying up to Dearborn, Michigan and back to meet representatives of the Arab American community and to tape a show on James Zogby’s Viewpoint on public attitudes toward Arab Americans. Barack Obama recently launched a new part of his website dedicated to the interests of Arab Americans — which I applaud….

A Tragedy Five Years Ago Today: Remembering Sergio and the UN in Iraq



This is a guest post by Johanna Mendelson Forman. Forman is Senior Associate in the Americas Program at the Center for Strategic and International Studies. Speaking for myself, I will never forget the day that Sergio Vieira de Mello was murdered along with other colleagues at the UN offices in Baghdad, Iraq.