Putting Lipstick on a Middle East Pig



Word has leaked out that going into his “trilateral” with Palestine President Mahmoud Abbas and Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, President Obama was flustered and upset with their lack of progress with each other. Obama is — angry — in a somewhat cool-headed Obamaesque way.

Bill Clinton: CEO of the Global Problems Industry



After a very long security sweep of the Sheraton Hotel & Towers conference space, I finally made my way in to get credentialed for the Clinton Global Initiative, opening this afternoon with a powerhouse panel chaired by the 42nd President of the United States, Bill Clinton.

Hillary Clinton Tactfully Pushes McChrystal Back



She is tactful about it, but in the exchange below between Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and The News Hour correspondent Margaret Warner, Clinton suggests that McChrystal is only one of several voices on Afghanistan strategy but that his views are not definitive, and that there are many other decision points.

Guest Post by Parag Khanna: The Spin Cycle of Summitry



Parag Khanna is a senior research fellow at the New America Foundation and author of The Second World: How Emerging Powers are Redefining Global Competition in the 21st Century. Many Americans will struggle this week to sort out all of the summits that have become the hallmark of the late September news landscape.

Obama Not Doing Well Enough on Jobs



This morning, Barack Obama appeared on five different networks — speaking about the economy, health care, and Afghanistan. But in his exchange on CNN’s “State of the Union with John King“, President Obama articulated a softness on the imperative of job creation that is disconcerting.