Irving Kristol Dies: How Will the Neocon Church Now Divide?



Irving Kristol has died at 89. Kristol is the primary intellectual godfather of the neoconservative movement — which his son Bill Kristol helped transform into a major political force. Kristol and his wife, Gertrude Himmelfarb, were and are respectively profoundly significant intellectuals whose work and public commentary had an enormous impact on Washington’s political culture….

No Solution to AfPak Without India



Indian border troops in Kashmir. In his remarks yesterday at the launch of the AfPak Channel, the new joint project between the New America Foundation and Foreign Policy magazine, New America President Steve Coll defined US interests in Afghanistan and Pakistan as going beyond the standard aim of disrupting, dismantling and defeating Al Qaeda.

Guest Post by Jon Weinberg: The Goldstone Report



Jon Weinberg is a research intern at the New America Foundation/Middle East Task Force. The UN fact-finding mission investigating human rights and humanitarian law violations during Israel’s December 2008-January 2009 incursion into Gaza has finally published its long-awaited report.

Will the Pittsburgh G-20 Mean More than Traffic & Protesters?



I am up this morning in Pittsburgh speaking in a forum sponsored by the RAND Corporation and the World Affairs Council of Pittsburgh about the political context of next week’s G-20 meeting. We’ve just gone through one morning panel, and I will be in the next segment that starts at 9:45 am.