STREAMING LIVE TODAY: Republican National Convention Meeting on US-Middle East Policy & More at 9:15 am Central 10:15 am Eastern



Free video streaming by Ustream Last night, I had the privilege of hanging out with Rosario Dawson and some great folks from Voto Latino — but more on them later. This morning at the St. Paul Hotel in St. Paul, Minnesota I will be speaking at and chairing a session on U.S.

STREAMING LIVE TOMORROW: America’s Next Foreign Policy at the Republican National Convention



Tomorrow morning at the St. Paul Hotel in St. Paul, Minnesota right in the middle of things at the Republican National Convention, the New America Foundation will be hosting a discussion of U.S. foreign policy with a significant focus on the Middle East.

Obama Should Offer More than McCain-Lite Strategy On Russia-Georgia and Other High Stakes Global Conflicts



Nader Mousavizadeh, former special assistant to and speechwriter for UN Secretary General Kofi Annan and Goldman Sachs executive, just sent over his oped, “How to Navigate the New Global Archipelago,” which appeared in the Times of London on Friday, John McCain’s birthday.

What Does It Mean When. . .James Steinberg Painted His House in March?



In part, it means something I blogged yesterday was wrong. It happens now and then. Yesterday, I wrote a piece here at TWN that tried to share with readers how I got some insights into the Joe Biden VP selection story a bit earlier than the mainstream.

Country First? More like “Country Last”



John McCain’s decision to choose Alaska Governor Sarah Palin to run with him on the GOP ticket can be about many things — wanting to bring in someone genuinely from the outside, wanting to embrace the reality that women can serve in all capacities and in all levels of government and the military, wanting to…