Country First? More like “Country Last”



John McCain’s decision to choose Alaska Governor Sarah Palin to run with him on the GOP ticket can be about many things — wanting to bring in someone genuinely from the outside, wanting to embrace the reality that women can serve in all capacities and in all levels of government and the military, wanting to…

Is Wasserman Shultz Strangling Miami Dem Candidate Joe Garcia — or Hugging Him?



Jake Colvin, a fellow blogger over at The Havana Note, captured this pic at the BIG TENT at the Democratic National Convention. Debbie Wasserman Schultz has apparently finally signed on to help Dem candidate Joe Garcia challenge one of her other monomaniacal anti-Cuba pals, Republican Mario Diaz-Balart.

Baghdad Lessons? Police Raiding Homes in St. Paul



Heavily armed police teams in groups of 20 or 30 are raiding private homes in St. Paul. According to one woman who spoke to FireDogLake’s Lindsay Beyerstein, asking to see a warrant gets one immediately “detained.” Jane Hamsher and Glenn Greenwald dropped in on a raided St. Paul home shortly after the cops descended.

Bush/McCain Not Even Good at Imperialism: China Gets Iraq’s First Foreign Oil Contract



(Iraq President Jalal Talabani walks with his China President Hu Jintao) George W. Bush, Richard Cheney, and presidential hopeful John McCain (as well as his new internationally ignorant but charming vice presidential running mate) have been promulgating the need to stay in Iraq to protect American interests. Well. . .

Could-Be Commander in Chief Sarah Palin



What was that TV show where Geena Davis was an unlikely female VP is thrust into the presidency after the tough national hero president she served under passed away while in office? That’s right: Commander in Chief. Well, life may be following fiction (again) — without the passing away part. . .