Riyadh: The View from My Window

Just arrived in Riyadh. This is the view from my window at my hotel — an overcast day. Things start up at 12:30 pm, two hours from now on Sunday here.
Just arrived in Riyadh. This is the view from my window at my hotel — an overcast day. Things start up at 12:30 pm, two hours from now on Sunday here.
I am sitting at JFK Airport preparing to depart for Saudi Arabia in a couple of hours — and thought I’d post this picture I took of myself last week, standing next to Room 871 of the Mayflower Hotel — the grand establishment where Aldrich Ames took his first $50,000 from the Soviets launching his…
I’m leaving very early in the morning to spend a week in Saudi Arabia. I’ll be weighing in on matters from the road. Sameer Lalwani and others will be helping to cover — but wanted to keep the TWN loyalists informed.
Today I organized a media/blogger conference call with George Soros to discuss his concerns about the current financial crisis, which he thinks is the worst America has experienced since the 1930s.
Friday morning (tomorrow) I will be hosting a media/blogger conference call with financier and philanthropist George Soros at 10 am EST.
For the early birds on the east coast (or the late night blog readers on the west coast), President Hamid Karzai will address the Young Atlanticist delegation in Bucharest along with students at the University of Kabul via a video teleconference link – which you can tune into live by going to the Young Atlanticist…
Estonian President Toomas Hendrik Ilves‘s refreshingly wry sense of humor and sharp wit provided welcome relief from an intenisve Young Atlanticist Summit day of speeches, lectures, and meetings (especially for those of us who were still sleepless from jetlag, fretting over lost baggage, and breaking in an assemblage of borrowed attire that was one bolo…
I’ve asked Leo Hindery to spend some time with us at the New America Foundation today. It’s a brown bag deal — but I’ll provide the sodas and cookies (though I’m on a diet).
Yesterday, I had coffee with a former three-star general who has outed himself as a political conservative in his post-military life. Joining us was a former conservative member of Congress, a conservative CEO, a top tier conservative organizer, and a conservative pundit. I discussed the Iraq War, Israel/Palestine, Afghanistan/Pakistan, nukes, and Cuba with them.