Trump Dropped Davos — So Empty Without Me?



To weirdly paraphrase Lloyd Bentsen smacking down Dan Quayle, Donald Trump is no Eminem.  But the latter’s thumping Without Me would appeal to the Donald.  SNL should do a karaoke skit of Alec Baldwin/The Donald singing all those lines, maybe inserting Mueller for Moby.  In Trump’s mind, he is the party; he is the sizz

Doing Davos Again?


During the five days of the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting, the talented Barry Colson has for years owned the anchor entertainer top spot at Davos’ Hotel Europa where the most highly credentialed multinational CEOs sing, badly but passionately, along with the uncredentialed hoi polloi who want to collect stardust wherever they can go without being…

Pondering Clinton & Jeb from Paris


Unexpectedly I got a free day in Paris because United airlines took out of its fleet a plane deemed too risky.  I felt more lucky than frustrated when they decided to tow the plane away from the gate

Made in Japan: Fukushima Disaster



I finally got a chance to read TIME‘s excellent status report on the catastrophic nuclear power plant meltdown in Fukushima, Japan. The piece, “The World’s Most Dangerous Room” was authored by Hannah Beech with photos by Dominic Nahr

National Geographic Winners



    Amazing photography, as usual from National Geographic‘s Traveler magazine Annual Photo Contest. Just had to share this prize winner taken by Marko Korošec.  This was his caption: While on storm chasing expeditions in Tornado Alley in the U.S. I have encountered many photogenic supercell stor

Guest Post: What is Israel’s Grand Strategy?



This is a guest note by Edward Delman, content coordinator at AtlanticLIVE, the events division of The Atlantic. For over three weeks now, the third iteration of the Israeli-Hamas conflict has played out in the bomb shelters of Tel Aviv, in the rubble of Gaza, and on the television screens and Facebook newsfeeds of the wor