Germany—from Invincibility to Vulnerability

Over the course of the last 15 years. Germany has gained the reputation of being an economic powerhouse, with the leadership of Angela Merkel lionized and Germany’s preeminence in the EU rarely questione
Over the course of the last 15 years. Germany has gained the reputation of being an economic powerhouse, with the leadership of Angela Merkel lionized and Germany’s preeminence in the EU rarely questione
Happy Thanksgiving! During your busy day of family, friends, pets, pumpkin pie and turkey, you might want to read this. From a beautifully written essay on William Seward’s partnership in and Lincoln’s proclamation of a national Thanksgiving Holiday by Ted Widmer, former director of the C.V.
There are a slew of polls measuring what Americans think of the impeachment hearings and of the solvency of President Trump’s guilt or innocence. One poll, highlighted by my colleagues at The Hill, show that the enthusiasm of Independents for impeachment has fallen significantly, that is support for impeachment has slipped 6%.
I traveled to Hong Kong on November 11-12, the very days that the Hong Kong protests took a turn for the worse. I had thought I would avoid trouble. The protests had been mainly held on weekends, and we were there on a benign Monday and Tuesday. I was wrong.
Hong Kong’s demonstrations have at their core a population that is highly stressed, especially the young who are struggling to afford even the paltriest housing, while faced with declining job opportunities and a blatant rise in inequalit
My grandmother worked in housekeeping for 10 years—and it’s a job where you could use a gratuity. As I check out of a hotel, various excuses race through my head for not tipping the housekeeper. I’m in a big rush. I don’t ha
On International Youth Day, which was August 12th this year, The Hill published an essay of mine about why the aspirations of youth in the Middle East, particularly Arab youth, matter to America and other global stakeholders
I think President Trump is on to something in trying to compel a change in China’s predatory trade practices and finally putting a spotlight on China’s government-orchestrated intellectual property theft.
Last Friday, I participated in a discussion with former Defense Secretary and US Senator Chuck Hagel, Washington Post senior national security correspondent Karen DeYoung, and Wall Street Journal executive Washington editor Gerald Seib on America’s Role in the World and US foreign policy.
Only a funeral, it seems, truly brings Washington together these days. Yesterday nearly a thousand guests, including distinguished emissaries from the Bush, Clinton, and Obama worlds, gathered at Howard University to honor Harris Wofford