Congrats to Avaaz: Stop the Clash of Civilizations



Avaaz is essentially the global version of — and in the short year or so that its organizers and constituents have been kicking up the spotlight on international problems, they have accomplished much. I’m particularly supportive of Avaaz’s efforts on a Gaza ceasefire.

John McCain: An Act of Belligerency?



Doug Bandow has a hard-hitting critique of John McCain over at McCain opponents will find it one of the best compilations of tightly wound reasons to agitate against John McCain getting the keys to the White House and the codes to the “football.

Who Would Be al Qaeda’s Candidate?



I recently enjoyed a BloggingHeads discussion, or what Non Zero author and BloggingHeads creator Robert Wright calls a “diavlog”, with Juan Cole. This morning’s New York Times oped page picked up a five minute clip of my discussion with Juan Cole.

Reversal of Fortune?



I just saw No Country for Old Men. Perhaps Hillary and Obama should flip a coin? She now leads him in a new Gallup poll — and McCain polls at the moment beating either Clinton or Obama, though the lead McCain has over Clinton is statistically insignificant.

The Limits of Hope: Getting Real about the American Economy



There won’t be a squeaky clean ending to the Democratic battle for the 2008 presidential nomination. The knife fight has begun already — and I only hope that maturity in the end prevails so that the side that edges out victory has the magnanimity to deal well with the almost-winners from the other side.

“Why Not Join Another Church?”



This quote from Barack Obama’s speech today caught my attention: Given my background, my politics, and my professed values and ideals, there will no doubt be those for whom my statements of condemnation are not enough.

No Torture, No Exceptions



I have written before about the difficult decision Colin Powell and his team, including State Department Chief of Staff Col. Lawrence Wilkerson, made when they decided to stay in the first George W.