

This is sort of a public service announcement. I can’t put the child’s name on the blog — other than that his name is “Alexander” — and won’t put a pic up, but an 8 year old boy got separated from his mother at the Philadelphia AMTRAK train station.




At the end of the day Friday, Bear Stearns’ stock market value was more than $3.5 billion. Over the weekend — today in fact — JP Morgan Chase has announced the acquisition of Bear Stearns at just $236 million.

Surprising Climate Change Fanatic



The Brussels Forum, which I just left this morning to return to Washington, DC, convened a terrific array of policy and political talent from both sides of the Atlantic — and had a distinguished group of attendees from Russia and Japan as well.

Senate Plane Grounded in Newfoundland — Would Not Start



This is a note from a good friend — unnamed — in the Senate regarding my earlier post about US Senators on their way to the Brussels Forum getting stuck in Newfoundland: Hey Steve, I just saw your post. I was on that broken-down plane, along with my boss Senator XXXXXXXX.

Brussels Forum Impresses



For the last two days, I have been deeply embedded in German Marshall Fund President Craig Kennedy’s “Brussels Forum“. In years previous, I have been to the World Economic Forum, the Clinton Global Initiative, Economist Intelligence Unit seminars, McKinsey sponsored meetings, and I generally like them all.

The Goings-On: Israel-Palestine, Brussels, Cuba



Today at 9:30 am, Former Israel Foreign Minister Schlomo Ben-Ami will be speaking about his work to encourage a Gaza ceasefire and then how to trigger moves in a positive direction for Israelis and Palestinians. He’ll be at the New America Foundation today in Washington, DC, and yours truly will be moderating the meeting.

My Street: Tackling Best Buy, Pushing Mini Hot Dogs, and Running for Prez



Washington, DC is actually, really, seriously becoming a hip place. Helene Cooper — the New York Times‘ diplomatic correspondent — is occasionally forced to write for other sections of her paper, and she’s been asserting that DC hipsterism is on the upswing more by assertion than empirical surveys. . .but I’m now with her.

Smart Power Vote Coming Tomorrow in Senate



In its infinite wisdom, the Senate Budget Committee slashed $4.1 billion from President Bush’s proposed International Affairs budget. International Affairs, which includes our diplomacy, development and international organization expenses, comprises just over 1.2% of our total federal budget and 6% of our national security spending. It accounts for almost all of our global non-military footprint.