A Republican-Hugging Debate: The Sins of Debbie Wasserman Schultz



Wearing blue is sometimes just not enough. I hug a lot of Republicans — particularly today’s “dissident Republicans in foreign and economic policy”, and there are some Dems I won’t go near — and the flip is true. I hug a lot of Democrats, and there are a lot of Republicans I won’t go near….

Giving Businesses an On Ramp to Climate Change Action


P.J. Simmons, formerly with the Sea Studios Foundation and now with Big Blue Advisors, just sent me this link to a high quality Sea Studios video titled “Ahead of the Curve: Business Responds to Climate Change.” It is 12 minutes long — and I hope folks watch it, particularly those in the business community.

A Room With A View? Get Your Room 871 Photo


(photo credit: Will Bower) Last night, I could not attend a happy hour gathering of friends of mine at the Mayflower Hotel’s Town & Country Bar as I was participating in a Center for New America Security dinner with Iran specialist Vali Nasr and nuclear arms expert Ashton Carter.

Richardson’s Endorsement: Slow Motion Replay of Iowa Caucus Dealmaking



Bill Richardson has now endorsed Barack Obama’s presidential bid. I guess the evening with President Bill Clinton watching a hockey match didn’t do enough to twin over the interest of the New Mexico governor. Of the presidential candidates, Senator Chris Dodd endorsed Obama first. Joe Biden and John Edwards remain uncommitted.