The Syria Nukes Background Briefing



What follows is the transcript of the “background briefing” with Senior US officials on Syria’s alleged nuclear program. (pdf here) Office of the Director of National Intelligence Background Briefing with Senior U.S. Officials on Syria’s Covert Nuclear Reactor and North Korea’s Involvement April 24, 2008 SENIOR INTELLIGENCE OFFICIAL 1: Hello.

Arabs Dislike Us For Our Actions — Not Our Values



University of Maryland Professor Shibley Telhami presented this week results from the 2008 Annual Arab Public Opinion Poll. This project was jointly undertaken by the Anwar Sadat Chair for Peace and Development at the University of Maryland and Zogby International. Here as a pdf file is the entire 110 page powerpoint presentation.

The <em>TWN</em> Calendar



I have a few really cool opportunities for TWN readers. To attend the meetings in Washington, please RSVP with my colleague Ben Katcher at On Tuesday, I’m up in Boston for an event at which I’m speaking, and there is no need to RSVP for that.

Concert of Democracies as a Shell Game?



The concert of democracies idea has been bandied about for quite a while in both liberal internationalist and neoconservative circles. (There is perhaps a reason for that as Professor Tony Smith has argued). But recently it’s been taken up by Sen. John McCain.

The Syria Nukes Narrative



Demetri Sevastopulo of the Financial Times is one of the best intelligence/national security journalists in the business — and by the tone of this article, “North Korea ‘Helped Syria Build N-Plant‘”, which will appear as the top, front page lead in tomorrow’s FT, he sounds as if he is convinced that the North Koreans were…