Clinton-Obama Immaturity Can Be Fixed by Joint Ticket



Both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are escalating an immature tit-for-tat exchange on who their blocks of supporters would go to if not to each of them respectively. Obama has said “I have no doubt … that I can get her votes; the question is, can she get mine?” Most don’t doubt Obama’s high-flying vision….

Coal Here vs. Coal Over There



Riddle me this: why is coal “the dirtiest fuel on earth” when Europe burns it but a potential global warming and “energy independence” solution here at home? Elisabeth Rosenthal writes in the New York Times: “At a time when the world’s top climate experts agree that carbon emissions must be rapidly reduced to hold down…




Bush is provoking the military establishment with lessons regarding reward and punishment by appointing General David Petraeus to serve as William Fallon’s successor as Commander of Central Command, or CentCom. Petraeus is on track for a 2012 presidential run possibility — even though he has stated he “will never run.

Mike Mullen: Iran Killing Coalition Soldiers



On Monday evening, I heard Joint Chiefs Chairman Michael Mullen speak at the annual Atlantic Council gala dinner, following Rupert Murdoch, Jim Jones, Brent Scowcroft, Tony Blair, and Colin Powell. I’ve been a fairly strong fan of Mullen since he ascended to his most recent post, but last night knocked him down a few notches….

Clinton’s Cash



Hillary Clinton’s campaign reports that since the race was called in favor of Clinton tonight by the major networks, more than $2.5 million has flowed in. No report from the Obama campaign, but they are still way ahead on cash in hand.

The Pennsylvania Gay Pub Crawl



Chelsea Clinton, Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell, and director Rob Reiner did a Philadelphia “gay bar pub crawl” Friday night until well past 1:00 a.m. on behalf of Hillary Clinton’s campaign. Novel idea. This is true retail politics — between 8-10% of the population, and gay Americans vote. Not sure the Obama team has done this….

On and On and On it Goes



Hillary Clinton won by about 10 points tonight against Barack Obama in Pennsylvania, but you all know that. From Indiana, Barack Obama just said, “she ran a terrific race.” My main point about this fascinating contest remains as sound as when I previously wrote it: neither side is vanquishing the other.