Zalmay Khalilzad as Afghan CEO?



Helene Cooper’s scoop that former US Ambassador to the United Nations Zalmay Khalilzad is working to arrange a deal with Afghan President Hamid Karzai to serve as “CEO” of Afghanistan is fascinating — but also troubling.

A Restrained Foreign Policy



I found this clip by Stephen Walt interesting in which he notes the New America Foundation as one of the few islands in the policy establishment that believes we need a more restrained approach to America’s foreign policy commitments.

Guest Post by Jonathan Guyer: The U.S. Takes Bibi Steps



(Credit: Jonathan Guyer) Jonathan Guyer is a Program Associate at the New America Foundation/Middle East Task Force. Two weeks ago, Jordanian King Abdullah’s visit to the White House brought President Obama’s announcement that the Egyptian, Israeli, and Palestinian premiers would make field trips to Washington.

What Comes Next for New Media and Public Diplomacy?



Among other firsts, President Obama is undoubtedly our first “New Media” president. The Obama team came into power through its revolutionary internet fundraising success and clearly intends to find new ways to use the internet to advance its agenda.

The Surplus Nations Trip: TWN Itinerary



In the last week and a half, we spent time in the Gulf region, speaking at a conference in Doha, Qatar and then a few days ago spoke about global economic issues in Berlin. So that checks off the Gulf and Germany in the roster of leading surplus accounts in the international economy.

Obama taps Jon Huntsman: Excellent Choice for China



Recently at a Congressional Quarterly breakfast, Political Wire blogger Taegan Goddard said that Barack Obama excels at keeping his political opposition wobbly and off balance. Goddard is right – and Barack Obama has just pulled off another blow to the Republican party’s steadiness. Obama has just chosen Jon Huntsman Jr.

Comments on The Washington Note



Folks, I am traveling today and without my principal computer. I have learned that no one has been able to post comments over the last 21 hours.