McCain Didn’t Vet “Joe the Plumber” Either?



Watch CBS Videos Online Seems to me, Joe the Plumber (aka, Samuel “Joe” Wurzelbacher) wants to be a Fox News host more than being a plumber anyway. Turns out the guy does not have a license to be a plumber. Well, you know. . .more government regulation. . .

The Third and Final Round. . .McCain and Obama Tie but McCain Needed More — McCain’s Eye Rolls and “Joe the Plumber” will be Remembered as Highlights



I’m in Barack Obama’s home base town, Chicago, and will live blog this debate. I’m sitting here with Martin Walker, editor emeritus of UPI and Director of AT Kearney’s Global Business Policy Council, as well as his wife, Julia Watson, who publishes the blog, Eat Washington. Bob Schieffer — whose brother Tom is George W….

Who Should Move to Fix Possible Iraq Pipeline Collapse: Iraq, the U.S., or Iran?



Financial Times correspondents Daniel Dombey and Carola Hoyos have an interesting alert in today’s paper. They write: Pipelines vital to Iraq’s oil industry are in such poor condition they could rupture at any time, choking off the supply of oil from the region and devastating the country’s economy, according to the US State Department.

Christopher Buckley Shown the Door at National Review



The late William F. Buckley‘s son, the talented writer and thinker — Christopher Buckley — surprised many with his brave decision to endorse Barack Obama recently. His announcement created a storm among National Review editors. According to reports, he offered to resign. And it took a nanosecond for the magazine to accept that resignation.

Hank Paulson as Fundraising Headliner?



I was just invited to a fundraising dinner for the US-China Education Trust and FY Chang Foundation honoring Treasury Secretary Henry “Hank” Paulson, Jr. The dinner is Friday November 14th. All I can say is best of luck. In case Paulson drops out, perhaps Paul Krugman will be a massively bigger draw.