Welcome Back to the Fight, Colin. . .



(This article appears today at Tina Brown’s “The Daily Beast.” Here is the actual link to my piece.) This morning, about a nanosecond after Colin Powell gave his endorsement of Barack Obama for President, I called his long-time aide and former State Department Chief of Staff Lawrence Wilkerson.

A $150 Million Month: But Plouffe Says “Not Enough”



Obama has raised a breathtaking $150 million over the last month. Incredible. But Obama campaign manager David Plouffe, who reported the take said enough isn’t enough. According to CNN: In a video to supporters, Obama campaign manager David Plouffe said a record 632,000 new donors gave to the campaign, with the average contribution under $100….

Wilkerson on Colin Powell: Maybe He Will, Maybe He Won’t



This morning, long term Colin Powell aide and former State Department Chief of Staff Lawrence Wilkerson sent me a note seeming to downgrade the chance that General Powell might endorse Barack Obama (or John McCain). Wilkerson wrote: Steve: By the way, this is how I see tomorrow’s TV appearance.

Waving Good-bye to Bill Kristol, Colin Powell “Might” Endorse Obama



Politico‘s Mike Allen and others think that Colin Powell “may” endorse Barack Obama this weekend on Meet the Press. Note the word “may.” I agree with Mike Allen that Powell may take this action — or may endorse John McCain. I queried General Powell on his intentions and on another matter.

“I am Only a Journalist”: Nir Rosen Tours with the Taliban



My colleague Nir Rosen, who is also a contributor to The Washington Note, is quickly becoming the preeminent Robert Kaplan-esque chronicler of Islamist insurgencies and conflict. Rosen’s latest piece, “How We Lost the War We Won: A Journey Into Taliban-Controlled Afghanistan” appears in Rolling Stone.