Elliott Abrams to Council on Foreign Relations



Jim Lobe has just confirmed that outgoing Special Assistant to President George W. Bush and Senior Director for Near East and North African Affairs and Deputy National Security Adviser for Global Democracy Strategy Elliott Abrams will be joining the Council on Foreign Relations team in February.

Obama’s Team Stumbling into Afghanistan Trap



(photo credit: Jon Taplin’s Blog) In the book, America and the World: Conversations on the Future of American Foreign Policy, which is an April-May 2008 rolling conversation between former national security advisers Zbigniew Brzezinski and Brent Scowcroft with Washington Post national security columnist David Ignatius, Brzezinski says this: I think it was too bad that…

Israeli Settlements are Killing 2-State Solution



This is a very strong and important CBS segment by 60 Minutes correspondent Bob Simon. that looks in a serious way at the prospects for a two state solution between Israel and Palestine. The primary interviewee in the piece is former candidate for Palestine president Moustafa Barghouti. It’s well worth watching.

John Kerry: America’s Torturers Undermined America’s Brand and Security



I occasionally write for the CNN.com website and just noticed that Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman John Kerry is now doing so too. In a great piece applauding President Obama’s early executive orders to move forward vigorously the closing of Guantanamo, Kerry outlines what the failure to respect human rights means for national security.

Diplomacy and America’s Purpose in the World: A Discussion with Zalmay Khalilzad



A bit more than a week ago, I had a fascinating discussion with outgoing US Ambassador to the United Nations Zalmay Khalilzad who also previously served as US Ambassador to Iraq and Afghanistan. It runs about 90 minutes long – and I think is well worth listening to in total.

Righting the Balance Between Diplomacy and Military Force



I will be chatting with Rachel Maddow today on her Air America Radio show on the subject of Barack Obama’s foreign policy team. (airs at 6 pm EST) Obama’s visit to Foggy Bottom yesterday was so surprising, so different than President Bush, that it really caught me by surprise.