Obama and Ted Kennedy See Plans Foiled as Caroline Withdraws?



At noon today EST, New York Governor Dennis Paterson will announce that Rep. Kirsten Gillibrand will succeed Hillary Clinton’s recently vacated U.S. Senate seat. But until forty-eight hours ago, most still had their money on Caroline Kennedy, daughter of America’s most iconic modern president, getting the nod.

CNN’s Photosynth Another Leap in Moving Content with New Technology



Embedded video from CNN Video This video above is pretty amazing. CNN’s John King shows how pictures that regular folks took at the Inauguration can be synthesized into a photographic wall much larger than any single person had themselves. This is called CNN’s “Photosynth.

President Obama’s First Foreign Policy Success – and It’s Only Day One



This is a guest post by Amjad Attalah, Co-Director of the New America Foundation/Middle East Task Force. As Barack Obama was sworn in today as the 44th president of the United States, Israeli troops were rapidly withdrawing from the Gaza Strip after both Israel and Hamas announced “unilateral” cease-fires.

History Begins Again: Barack Obama as 44th President of the United States



Hail to the Chief is being played for the last time for Bush as the incumbent President of the United States. That song will be Barack Obama’s alone for the next four years. The National Mall is the most full it has ever been for an event like this — and it’s 25 degrees outside….

The Other Things Martin Luther King Said



Worth watching and pondering. Andrew Golis sent a good note this morning encouraging folks to look beyond MLK the icon. Golis writes: . . .the flip side of being a part of the American canon is that many of the more challenging ideas that don’t fit comfortably within the mainstream, have been conveniently forgotten.