Appraising “The Surge”

This video above was sent to me this morning in a note from the Washington Post‘s Tom Ricks who said “I particularly like the video they did on one captain’s counterinsurgency campaign.
This video above was sent to me this morning in a note from the Washington Post‘s Tom Ricks who said “I particularly like the video they did on one captain’s counterinsurgency campaign.
Peter Berkowitz‘s essay in the latest issue of the Weekly Standard provides good insight into what I think is the strategic irresponsibility of those in Israel’s leadership who think that they can hold steady on a course that justifies failure on an a Palestine-Israel deal using Hamas and Iran as excuses.
I have not yet dabbled with Kindle and reading books, papers, and blogs through a Kindle reader — but a friend is and just found that The Washington Note is available through Kindle. Who knew? I didn’t.
This is one of the more clever posts on economic theory I have seen in a while. Read the entire list of 21 economic models as told through “cows”. . . But here are some I particularly enjoyed: SOCIALISM You have 2 cows. You give one to your neighbour. COMMUNISM You have 2 cows.
My colleague Michael Lind will be hosting a live panel discussion at 12:30 pm EST with Princeton University/Woodrow Wilson Institute Professor G.
Rumors are flying that Yale Law School Dean Harold Hongju Koh is under consideration to be State Department Legal Advisor. That would be a welcome development.
Win Monroe is a research intern at the New America Foundation. Leaders from both Russia and China had harsh words for American-style capitalism at the recent World Economic Forum in Davos. But, as energy prices collapse and demand for exports fall, the legitimacy of these autocratic state capitalists is also being called into question.
The much respected and very tough to get Nelson Report thinks Daschle had to go. In contrast, I think Daschle’s departure signals the likely death of any near term comprehensive health care reform.