Bye-Bye Bayh?



My phone is ringing off the hook. Some top sources tell me that they buy Bahy’s denial. One high source tells me not to count the pro-life Virginia Governor Tim Kaine out. Another says Biden is still kicking. . .

Looks Like Bayh?



Rumors are flying that tomorrow in Indiana, Barack Obama is going to name Senator Evan Bayh (D-IN) as his running mate. Bayh denies it — and says that he doesn’t think anything special is being cooked up tomorrow. This all could be a head fake — or a couple of head fakes.

It’s Not Oil Supply — It’s the High Fear Hype!



This debate over oil and energy policy disgusts me because both Obama and McCain are trying to force short term, knee jerk responses to a major policy challenge for the nation. I remember hearing John McCain once tell me that “Congress never makes good policy decisions in the heat of a crisis.

Squashed by Tank



This video of a seemingly innocent taxi getting demolished by a tank in Iraq has awakened in me all of the reasons we must withdraw from that country. American soldiers are too distant from the fate of Iraqis and on a systems basis can’t ever act in their interests.

Saying Goodbye to Peter



Peter Rodman died of complications from leukemia on Saturday, August 2nd. I didn’t know he was ill, and over the last decade we weren’t close friends but were well acquainted. I think he disliked my foreign policy views and political direction quite a bit — but he was always a gentleman when we crossed paths.

What a Difference a Year Makes: Breathing in Beijing



(photo credit: Michael McDermott) My friend Michael McDermott runs the largest foreign film production operation in Beijing, Gung Ho Films, and he sent me this photo that he took on August 1st in Beijing. I have to admit that the air ‘looks’ good — which may bode well for the Olympic Games.

Gallup or Intrade?



Yesterday, Gallup’s daily tracking poll showed Obama and McCain even Steven at 44% to 44%. Intrade though has Obama inching away from McCain at 63% to McCain’s Intrade win probability of 36.9%. And here are some other polls.