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John McCain just offered this video called “The One” spoofing the sometimes over the top evangelical-style sizzle of Obama’s oratory: Barack Obama isn’t taking it though and is firing back with a new website, “McCain’s Low Road Express” and his own new video on fabrications and false charges in McCain ads: — Steve Clemons

Swiftboating Obama



They are up to it again. I just received a disgusting email from John Kerry’s swiftboat stalker, John O’Neill.

Signature 12,180 on <em>The Nation</em> Letter to Obama



Katrina vanden Heuvel, Jane Hamsher, Juan Cole, Gore Vidal, Robert Greenwald, Matt Stoller and others headline a letter to be delivered to Barack Obama before the Democratic National Convention. To some degree, the letter appeals to Obama to be Obama, the one we saw during the primary and not some faded or compromised version.

Obama and the Holbrooke Imperative



Richard Holbrooke triggers incredible passion, some of it negative, among foreign policy professionals. He’s a Democrat, but many don’t understand why he’s not a Republican. Dems, some argue, are supposed to be about achieving moral goods in the world along purist pathways of good behavior and enlightened intentions.

TERRORISM SALON: Peter Bergen on Atta’s Selection


(Peter Bergen is a Schwartz Senior Fellow at the New America Foundation). I agree with much of Yosri’s post. But Bin Laden selected Atta to run the 9/11 operation. This is what effective leaders do. Select the right people to carry out their plans.