Eisenhower: Republican Party is Running Out of Ideas



Life long Republican and granddaughter of Ike, Susan Eisenhower, said today on an Obama campaign conference call featuring campaign manager David Plouffe and herself that while she truly regrets it, the direction John McCain has been pressured to go is showing that “the Republican Party is running out of ideas.

Promoting Democracy: Lessons From Turkey



Last night, Turkey’s staunchly secular Constitutional Court decided against throwing out the ruling, moderately Islamist Justice and Development Party (AKP). The decision, which cut Prime Minister Erdogan’s party’s public financing in half and warned it to abide by Turkey’s strictly secular constitution, averted a potential political crisis.

Brzezinski Says. . .



After watching the video interview I did with Palestinian Initiative leader and former Palestinian Authority presidential candidate Mustafa Barghouti on Obama’s “World Without Walls” speech, former National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski wrote me a note. He said: steve — that discussion with [Barghouti] is humiliating for any decent American who values human rights….