TWN on Road: London Calling



I really love going to London. David Miliband, the UK foreign minister, has been a long time, excellent, committed blogger — and this is one of many things that draws me to London.

Results Released from Rare Iran Pre-Election Poll



(Credit: Siavush’s photostream) TERROR FREE TOMORROW/NEW AMERICA FOUNDATION IRAN PRE-ELECTION POLL RESULTS REPORT CLICK HERE FOR pdf OF REPORT. EMBARGOED UNTIL 12:15 PM EST Ahmadinejad Front Runner in Upcoming Presidential Elections Iranians Continue to Back Compromise and Better Relations with US and West.

Too Similar US-German Clips on Obama Speech Writer Ben Rhodes



Politico‘s Carol Lee wrote an interesting profile of Obama foreign policy speech writer Ben Rhodes on May 18th, 2009. But then in the German publication, Stern, an article written by Von Niels Kruse which references Rhodes and makes strikingly similar comments as Carol Lee’s piece was published on June 3rd, 2009.

Pakistan’s Refugee Crisis



Though there is an outright war going on between the central government of Pakistan and the Taliban, there is also a PR battle being waged to see who will win the devotion of the Pakistani majority.

Timeline of U.S.-Russia Relations Since 9/11



U.S.-Russia Relations Since September 11, 2001 on Dipity. I thought I’d share this timeline of U.S.-Russian relations over the past eight years that I put together for some research I am doing related to the New America Foundation‘s new Great Powers Initiative.