Ahmadinejad’s Numbers WAY TOO HIGH: Problems Ahead?



Visit msnbc.com for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy Just had this interesting conversation with Keith Olbermann on Countdown about the historic elections in Iran today. Historic because Ahmadenijad is getting election results that are just about impossible to believe.

Israel Should Make Amends to Civilians



It’s hard not to be inspired by the story of Izzeldin Aboul Aish. A doctor who received his Master’s of Public Health from Harvard, Aboul Aish returned to Gaza to raise his daughters and help his people. He is widely known from his television appearances and practice in Israel.

The Real Saudi Southern Dance



An exceptionally cool BBC reporter dug into the YouTube video clip I posted yesterday of Saudis seemingly dancing along to a Michael Jackson song. This reporter said, hmmm…the sound seems odd — and found the underlying video (posted above) which I think is even more interesting.

Can James Jones Survive a Second Round of Attacks and “Longer Knives”?



I am here in London where I’m participating in an interesting forum sponsored by the Princeton Project on National Security and the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI) Transatlantic Program, I’ve received not just one email — but three — from prominent insider journalists and policy hands that Jim Jones’ tenure as National Security Adviser is…

Will There Be An “Obama Effect” in Iran??



Campaigning has stopped in the presidential election in Iran — and voting begins in a few minutes. I have no idea who will win, but if Ahmadenijad falls to former Prime Minister and reformist challenger Moussavi, then this is huge in a domestic context.




Finally, after five years, I was able to purchase the website, WashingtonNote.com, from a site squatter. It wasn’t cheap — but those who have donated to the site through PayPal really helped make this happen. THANK YOU. So, now you can go to either TheWashingtonNote.com or WashingtonNote.com — and both will work.

Saudi Dance Rhythm?



A Facebook buddy of mine sent this to me, and I have to say that I didn’t quite know what to do with it. I’ve watched it four times and really like it. I have a lot of friends in Saudi Arabia who read this blog, and I’m grateful to them for doing so.

Not Your Grandfather’s Blog… But Close



Prof. Harvey Sapolsky, legendary former director of the MIT Security Studies program, has taken the plunge into the big bad world of the blogosphere via the British online publication e-International Relations.