Important Investment: Support Judd Legum in Annapolis



This is a political pitch video with Center for American Progress President and former White House Chief of Staff John Podesta introducing Judd Legum at a fundraiser at a cool restaurant-bar, Local 16, just around the corner from my house. Unfortunately, I was in Berlin and couldn’t be there.

The Other Track



I’ve been pouring through the archives at King’s College, London, preparing for several interviews that I have coming down the pike.

Measuring Failure



This post also appears at The American Strategist. This year’s Failed States Index from Foreign Policy magazine is interesting not only for the questions the Index raises about failing states, but also for the questions it poses about the very act of measuring state stability (you can read about FP’s methodology here).

Banks use TARP funds to boost lending – NOT!



As Leo Hindery points out on New American Contract’s latest US Economy Talking Points, the Financial Times may be missing the point about a recently released report on TARP’s impact on bank lending. The headline of today’s Financial Times cover story “Banks use Tarp funds to boost lending,” could not be more misleading.