Just for Fun: Wienermobile Drama



  My good friend Bill Blansett used to drive this Wienermobile featured above in this dog rams house story. Just thought that this would tickle a few folks. Oscar Meyer has said that it is going to pay for the damages to the lady’s house.

So Long Sarah



(photo credit: Andrea Neighbors) This picture of wearable Sarah Palin memorabilia was sent in by a TWN reader in Alaska. The note that came along with it said “So Long”. It does disturb a bit that some folks out there are probably wearing this shirt right now.

Media Alert: Brian Lehrer Show and C-Span



Two quick media alerts for this morning. At 11 am EST, I will be chatting with WNYC’s policy sophisticate Brian Lehrer about Hillary Clinton’s foreign policy initiatives and positions. You can listen live through the web if you like.

Who Needs a “G-2”? Here Comes the S&ED



Tomorrow, senior government officials from the U.S. and China will meet in Washington for the inaugural Strategic and Economic Dialogue, a.k.a. the S&ED, which is the successor to the Bush Administration’s Strategic Economic Dialogue – or SED.
The meeting, at which top level delegations from the world’s two most powerful nations get down to business and discuss some of the world’s most pressing issues side by side – or at least across the same table, represents far more than a shift in punctuation. It is a test of whether the Obama Administration can present a unified front and demonstrate that it is serious about working together to improve and expand the U.S.’s relationship with China.

Nesting in Izukogen



Two months ago, I spent some time in Japan and visited a terrific ryokan in Izu, Japan. A number of us went on the trip, but a couple there who were camera fanatics just sent news this week to me that they eloped and got married in Japan.

What are Your Thoughts on Executive Compensation?



Matt Stoller, policy adviser to Representative Alan Grayson (D-FL-8), who is great on just about everything except the Middle East and Cuba — which I hope to nudge him on a bit one of these days — just sent me this request: Next week, the Financial Services Committee is going to be marking up a…