I Voted “No” on Palin Experience



Now after reading “Dead Treaty Walking,” I see that the START Agreement with the Russians is nearing expiration with nothing to succeed it other than bluster. I also see an American economy in meltdown mode and wars against Iran and others that many supporters of Sarah Palin are eager to nudge forward.

Guest Post by Richard Vague: Should We Bail Out Large Corporations?



Richard Vague was co-founder and former CEO of First USA Bank and former CEO of Juniper Financial. He also publishes Delancey Place. Richard Vague recently spoke at the New America Foundation on the connection between the Iraq War, high oil prices, and what was happening to the US. economically. Here is a shorter clip.

Treasury Secretary as Absolute Monarch?



A loyal TWN reader highlighted this part of the Bush administration’s bail-out proposal to Congress: Sec. 8. Review. Decisions by the Secretary pursuant to the authority of this Act are non-reviewable and committed to agency discretion, and may not be reviewed by any court of law or any administrative agency.

John McCain: Let’s do to Health Care All the Great Things We Have Done to Banking



Uh-oh. John McCain thought that the deregulation of the banking sector was awesome before he thought it wasn’t awesome. His enthusiasm for the success of financial market deregulation was captured by Paul Krugman in a note about McCain’s intentions to apply the same approach to the health care market.

STREAMING LIVE — Zbigniew Brzezinski & Brent Scowcroft on “America and the World”



Broadcasting Live with Ustream.TV Tonight I will be moderating a discussion with two of the most significant foreign policy observers and practitioners in America today — Zbigniew Brzezinski and Brent Scowcroft. Brzezinski, who is a Trustee & Counselor at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, was National Security Advisor to Jimmy Carter.