Facebook Scam, Inauguration Wait, and Media Moments



Washington, DC is now in a pensive state — just waiting for the Inauguration festivities to finally, really arrive. I’ve just finished telling a number of folks that I’m just out of beds for those who hoped to crash (for free) at my place.

Chuck Hagel Declines China, UK, and Japan



Former Senator Chuck Hagel (R-NE), whose strategic mindset and approach to US foreign policy rejects the “false choice” and “zero sum game approaches” that the Bush administration has often taken in the Middle East between Israel’s interests and Arab regional interests on one hand and between Russia and NATO on the other, has been offered…

Geneva to DC: Feel Free to Vote for TWN Again



I am at the Geneva Airport preparing for a day of flying home to Washington. Excuse me if I accidentally tzpe a “z” where a “y” should be. . .as I just did. Geneva was great. Free transportation on all public transport lines for visitors who come through the airport and all hotel guests.

Joe Biden’s CODEL to Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan: Working All the Angles. . .Like He Should!



Joe Biden and a bipartisan group of US Senators including Lindsey Graham (R-SC), John Kerry (D-MA), Susan Collins (R-ME), and Jack Reed (D-RI) are leaving soon on the last CODEL (Congressional Delegation trip) that the soon-to-be-but-not-yet Vice President will make in his career as a Senator.