An International Order that Can’t Go Home Again: Colorado Springs Remarks

I really enjoyed my recent visit to speak with members of the Colorado Springs World Affairs Council.
I really enjoyed my recent visit to speak with members of the Colorado Springs World Affairs Council.
Steve Clemons will be on the PBS NewsHour tonight at 6 pm, discussing the ongoing protests and increasingly violent repression in Egypt, as well as discussing the policy implications for the United States of the deteriorating situation.
In the Washington Post this morning, George Soros describes very well America’s equities in Egypt’s current political struggle.
Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy Tonight, I discussed the ongoing drama in Egypt with Rachel Maddow in the clip above.
Steve Clemons will be on Rachel Maddow’s show tonight, talking about the wave of protests and current situation in Egypt and the Middle East.
This is a quite dramatic shot via
More here. Things are getting tense. There is a world of difference between how things tilted when Marcos when departed the Philippines and other models as in Tiananmen, China or Iran when the government crushed the people’s call for justice and a new order.
(photo credit: Muhammad Ghafari, Flickr) This piece was just published at The Palestine Note: Steve Clemons calls on Gamal to make his intentions clear Political power works like the stock market; influence is a function of future expectations. Hosni Mubarak’s days and tenure are numbered.
Above is a fascinating and important interview conducted by New America Foundation President Steve Coll and the co-director of New America’s Middle East Task Force Amjad Atallah with Mustafa El-Gindy, a member of the Egypt’s opposition Wafd Party.
Al Jazeera’s video of Egypt President Hosni Mubarak swearing in intelligence chief Omar Suleiman as the first vice president of Egypt in nearly three decades has many clamoring to learn whatever they can about this person who may actually succeed Mubarak.