Future of Democracy in the Islamic World



On Thursday afternoon, I’ll be chairing a session with former Malaysia Deputy Prime Minister and current Leader of the Opposition in the Malaysian Parliament Anwar Ibrahim, someone I greatly admire for his ongoing temerity in staring down thugs in his own government.

Zone of Instability: Cairo Bomb, Lahore IED



This is a guest note by Harlan Ullman, Chairman of the Killowen Group that advises leaders of government and business and Senior Advisor at Washington, D.C.’s Atlantic Council. (photo courtesy of UPI) Two ticking packages slipped into the White House.

Regime Change vs. Regime Adjustment



The US position on Egypt continues to evolve, but President Obama is increasingly caught in a vise between advocacy for “regime change” in Egypt and less disruptive “regime adjustment.” Regime adjustment is not what the protests in Egypt have been about.