Breaking Through the Psych Warfare: Thinking Ahead



Voinovich has created the political space for defeatist-tilting Democrats to buck up and for Bolton-offended internationalist Republicans to oppose Bolton. If this comes out of Committee shortly with a 9-9 vote, we will have even more time to tell countless troubling vignettes about Mr. Bolton’s recklessness with national security intelligence.

The Tide Turns Against Bolton



Voinovich just said that “John Bolton is the poster child for what someone in the diplomatic corps should not be.” Someone notify David Brooks that the tide has yet again turned.

The Conscience of a Conservative: Voinovich Breaks Ranks



George Voinovich, like Barry Goldwater once articulated so well, believes that conservatives must maintain a solid connection to their conscience. He is voting against Bolton’s nomination. We are now at 50/50. Everything this weekend was psychological warfare by the White House — trying to convince the opponents to Bolton that they had already lost.

Voinovich Makes Eloquent Statement on Bolton



I have no idea what George Voinovich is about to conclude in the Bolton hearings, but already, the language he has used to frame the “bigger picture” at stake is EXACTLY the kind of discourse we should be having.

Demetri Sevastopulo Has Good Run Down on Bolton Battle



Demetri Sevastopulo has a great article today in the Financial Times that gives just a quick “state of play” run-down on the Battle over Bolton. I recommend a full read of it. The headline is wrong though. This is NOT the final battle over John Bolton today.