Barbara Boxer Blitzes Chafee



Senator Boxer has launched a campaign to have citizens try to talk sense to Chafee on all things Bolton. Here is a letter she sent out yesterday — and yes, there is still time to encourage Chafee to realize that a vote to confirm Bolton will be consequential for him. . .and remembered.

John Bolton: Wanted to Be His Own Intel Czar



Doug Jehl reports: With a vote scheduled Thursday on his contested nomination as ambassador to the United Nations, John R. Bolton has told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee that a policy maker should maintain the right to “state his own reading of the intelligence” even when it differs from that of intelligence agencies. Mr.

It Was ALL Bolton. . .Not Fred Fleitz


A new set of controversial Bolton emails has made its way out of the State Department’s increasingly tightened access to all things related to John Bolton. In these, Reuters submits that Bolton’s Chief of Staff, Fred Fleitz, threatened to “diminish the role” of the Intelligence and Research Bureau.