The Feingold Standard When Rejecting Nominations: Bolton Surpasses What it Takes to Get Feingold “Nay”
It’s been clear for a long time that Senator Russ Feingold was going to oppose John Bolton, but it was not so from the beginning.
It’s been clear for a long time that Senator Russ Feingold was going to oppose John Bolton, but it was not so from the beginning.
Senator Lieberman voted correctly — against cloture — on Thursday and Senator Collins did not. She underestimated the slippery slope of undermining principle and the Senate’s position vis-a-vis the White House.
TWN is trying to assess how firm White House resolve is that it will not concede on the NSA documents and “other” evidence requests, particularly the material Senators Biden, Dodd, and Lugar requested on Syria policy.
Either the White House will have to concede on the principle that the Senate can ask for whatever documents it wants, other than those protected by Executive Privilege or John Bolton’s nomination will languish indefinitely. John McCain joined the chorus of those opposed to the White House position — though still expressing support for Bolton….
This just in from Senator Landrieu‘s office: Sen. Landrieu Statement on the Nomination of John Bolton WASHINGTON — The following is a statement by U.S. Senator Mary Landrieu, D-La., regarding the nomination of John Bolton as the United States Ambassador to the United Nations: Sen.
Senator Feinstein offered an excellent floor statement opposing John Bolton yesterday — and voted against cloture on Bolton, which to many of us working this was a much needed and much appreciated surprise. Everyone should thank her — and frankly, everyone should thank Sentor Lieberman.
At least some parts of the media are getting the story right. Here is an NPR segment that properly states that the Dems favor a vote on Bolton, which I now think we can win, if the White House yields on the evidence requests made previously.
While the Senate and White House do battle over whether the administration can defy evidence requests by the Senate, those opposed to John Bolton’s nomination can work to remind Senators uncomfortable with but still supporting him why this nominee must be withdrawn.
Defectors were Landrieu, Ben Nelson, and Mark Pryor. More — lots more — on them later. Senators Lieberman and Feinstein — THANK YOU. Senators Biden, Boxer, Sarbanes, Rockefeller, Dodd, Obama, Levin, and many others — THANK YOU TOO.
We are waiting for the votes in the Senate requesting cloture on the matter of John Bolton’s confirmation to serve as U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations.