Libby Indicted
One count obstruction of justice. Two counts of false statements. Two counts of perjury. Nothing on Intelligence Identies Protection Act or Espionage Act. More here.
One count obstruction of justice. Two counts of false statements. Two counts of perjury. Nothing on Intelligence Identies Protection Act or Espionage Act. More here.
I’m off this morning to meet with Nancy Roman, Washington Director of the Council on Foreign Relations, to discuss her report that calls for a bipartisan foreign policy. (. . .but just popped a couple of pain pills.
In my report the other morning after my accident, I mentioned that a prominent journalist had shared this: My sense is that the Rove team is feeling more confident today, the Libby team despondent This squares with the New York Times report this morning that Libby is up for indictment this morning — and Rove…
After yesterday’s goof — I’m letting all know that all I have is an ongoing swirl of rumors. But here is a note I received from a friend: Steve: First, I hope you’re feeling better. A conspiracy theorist would have a field day with this incident.
Brent Scowcroft was not asked by the President to return to the President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board when Scowcroft’s term expired at the end of 2004. Most had assumed that Scowcroft would not only continue to serve on the PFIAB but would continue as Chairman as well.
Part of the process of reporting is doing the best one can do to source information, and seek double confirmation regarding stuff we post.
A have just heard that the White House revenge-team is out to get Brent Scowcroft for the revelations he provided in this week’s New Yorker. Apparently, a roster of talking points was issued in an email to Cheney fellow travelers via a “Michael Neece.” If anyone has this document, I’d love to see it.
I am one who believes that we need to do all we can to move expeditiously towards a two-state settlement between Israel and the Palestinian leadership.
Big News. Harriet Miers has withdrawn. Next in line may be a Bork-like nominee. Senator Sam Brownback said on NPR’s “Morning Edition” this morning that the “hill to get to the Supreme Court is already pretty big — and her hill was just getting bigger.
Sources of TWN‘s retract information on this story — see link. Patrick Fitzgerald’s intermediaries denied that there was any significance to the establishment of a new website, minimalist as it is, for the Office of the Special Counsel which is investigating the “outing” of Valerie Plame Wilson’s covert CIA responsibilities to the media.