Nicholas Kristof and the Cheney Brief



Nick Kristoff just put it all the way it should be put to Vice President Cheney this morning. Everywhere he appears, someone should be asking: “What did you know about Plame, the leak, and the cover-up and when did you know it?” Read the entire piece — particularly the powerful last line: So, Mr.

Dick and Don’s Cabal: Clever Graphic



This is an interesting graphic representation of the Cheney-Rumsfeld network of fellow travelers in and outside the administration. If you click on the graphic, it will download a more readable and larger version.

Under Secretary Source was Grossman



Bolton in the clear. This from a tuned-in TWN reader. His comment seems right: The Undersecretary of State referenced in the indictment is not John Bolton — it is Marc Grossman, the former U/S for Political Affairs. Because Powell and Armitage were out of the country at the time, Grossman was Acting Sec State.

Which Under Secretary of State Trafficked in Valerie Plame Wilson Info?



Here is the current roster of senior State Department officials. Robert Joseph now holds the portfolio previously held by John Bolton. My hunch — given the other options at the Under Secretary level — is that John Bolton was one of Libby’s four sources on Valerie Plame Wilson. It would be nice to have confirmation….

Libby Resigns — Cheney Makes Statement



Here is text of Vice President Cheney’s Statement: Mr. Libby has informed me that he is resigning to fight the charges brought against him. I have accepted his decision with deep regret. Scooter Libby is one of the most capable and talented individuals I have ever known.