Drumbeat for Rove’s Departure Building



From this morning’s Washington Post: Top White House aides are privately discussing the future of Karl Rove, with some expressing doubt that President Bush can move beyond the damaging CIA leak case as long as his closest political strategist remains in the administration.

<em>New Yorker</em>‘s Jeffrey Goldberg on Brent Scowcroft



The Brent Scowcroft profile and interview, “Breaking Ranks: What Turned Brent Scowcroft Against the Bush Administration?” by Jeffrey Goldberg has just been posted in full on the New Yorker website. If you haven’t read it, you can read it here. — Steve Clemons Ed. note: Thanks to NG at Oxford for the tip.

George Bush’s Surprising Embrace of the IMF


I just posted this entry over at TPM Cafe. I found President Bush’s positive commentary about the IMF and the Argentina bail-out surprising and out of character given the intensity of the 1997-98 debate about IMF replenishment.

Norm Ornstein: Sam Alito is No John Roberts



American Enterprise Institute Resident Scholar Norm Ornstein hits the Alito ball out of the park with a powerful, incisive op-ed today in Roll Call. Essentially, Ornstein makes the key point that Alito is hostile to Congress and its role in our system of government.